Larry Page

Larry Page was born on March 26, 1973. He recieved a computer engineering degree from Michigan. When attending Stanford PAGE met Brin. Togehter they created a search engine that list results according to the popularity of the page. This engine was called Google after mispronouncing the mathemaical term "Googol" which refers to the no. 1 followed by 100 zeros.After raising one million dollars, the two launched the company in 1988. Google has since become the world's largest search engine. BY 2013, it recieved an average of 5.9 billion searches per day. Google held its public offering in August 2004, making Page and Brin billionaires.

When Page and Brin met in college, they were intrigued with the idea of mass data accumliating on the internet. They looked at the number of pages linked to each Web site. Most search engines returned a list of Web sites ranked by how often a search phrase appeared on them. Then Page and Brin incorporated into the search engine the number of links each Web site had. By mid-1999, Google was processing 500,000 quiries per day. Activity began to explode in the 2000s when Google then became the client search engine for one of the Web's most popular sites, Yahoo!. Due to its unprecedent mass of data, Google built 11 data centers around the world, each of them containing several hundred thousand servers.

Google began as an online search firm, but it now offers more than 50 internet servies and products. E-mail, online document creation,and software for phones and computes are among the advancments that Google offers. Google's broad product portfolio and size has made it one of the top four influential compaies in the high-tech marketplace. Even though Google offers a long list of products to choose from, its original search engine remians the core for the business's success.